The name of our vessel is Goldfin, It’s a 40ft power boat with 2 ‘Perkins 216’ engines in it.
We have an inside cabin for those of you that don’t like to be out in the sun too much, and a toilet onboard inside the cabin.
The boat can take up to 25 passengers maximum, and there’s plenty of space to move around (even when at maximum capacity). We offer comfortable cushioned seating along with very informative/knowledgable crew.
Before setting off on each trip, the crew are required to do a quick briefing on what to do in case of an emergency. Not to worry though, much like on an airplane, we have to give a briefing. The crew will state in such; how to put on a lifejacket, where they’re located, how to behave on the boat, and go over any questions that the passengers have during the trip.
It’s an amazing once-in-a-lifetime experience that is highly recommended, not only by us, but many others on TripAdvisor.
And if you’d like to book yourself onto this tour, feel free to head back to the home page and book your first class dolphin tickets today.